Housekeeping Assignments


As guests arrive and depart from your property, Chorum will automatically toggle rooms with a status of "dirty," indicating that a guest has stayed in the room and thus the room will require housekeeper attention before the next check-in. Depending on the duration of the stay, Chorum may even mark the room as dirty periodically throughout the guest's stay (see Housekeeping Plans for more information).

You may assign and generate a list of housekeepers and which rooms they will each be responsible for cleaning today. You may then print out the day's assignments or, if your hotel uses Chorum Mobile, notify your housekeepers to log in to the mobile app and check their assignments for the day (see Room Status (Mobile) for more information).

Before you begin, be aware that your housekeepers must have a valid housekeeper profile in Chorum for assignment. Furthermore, if the housekeeper needs the ability to log in and update their own assignments, either in Chorum or Chorum Mobile, they will also require a valid Chorum login. See Managing Housekeepers for more information.

To access, assign, or modify room assignments, access the Room Assignments menu in the Housekeeping Module.

If you are the housekeeping supervisor, or individual responsible for assigning dirty rooms for cleaning, use the Housekeepers column to assign a specific housekeeper to a given room. You may manually assign housekeepers to any room on the list, including those that do not currently have a dirty status, but keep in mind that if you intend to use the Auto-Assign functions (detailed below) to assign housekeepers, it will only assign housekeepers to rooms with a "cleaning due" date of today.

If you are a housekeeper and you have access / approval to update your own housekeeping status, or you are a supervisor needing to update a room's status after the housekeeper has completed their work, use the drop-down menu located beneath the HSK Status column to change the room's status from "Dirty" to the appropriate status ("needs inspection" or "clean") and save your changes.